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A very short, easy descent from Klondike Mountain.

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Ski Line

10,725' 3,269 m


10,321' 3,146 m


0' 0 m


404' 123 m



Avg Slope (15°)


Max Slope (18°)
Type: Backcountry or Sidecountry


Short descent with very tight trees most places on this face. Holds better snow than some of the nearby lines due to the tree coverage, but like the rest of this zone, there are rocks and stumps that can be uncovered after a big wind event.


Tight trees and occasionally sketchy coverage make this line not ideal for beginners. It helps to know the line and where the trees open up if you really want to shred it. Best way to get familiar is lap it a few times and get a feel for where to drop in and how to move down the face.

When nearing the summit, you'll first come upon a very tempting open run dotted with a few small rock drops. This line option is fun to ski and is the least obstructed by trees, but it's a short pitch and delivers you to the flats fairly quickly.

If you pass this up and continue up and along the summit ridge (heading more or less north across the fairly open ridge, with Bald Mountain in view straight ahead of you), you'll be dropping into longer, slightly steeper skiing but with quite a few more trees. A quick look at the satellite photos generally shows you where the trees open up. Try to hug the skiers-left edge of this and trend generally left when you can on the descent for the longest ride.

If you hit a good line, you'll be able to ride ~25-degree slope all the way down to the Western Skirt of Bald Mountain skin track. Be prepared to fight through a few tree branches "combat style" at the bottom to really do this correctly.

If you end up in the flats quickly, you may have skied too far to the right on your descent. When you reach the Western Skirt of Bald Mountain skin track, you can turn right to head back towards the parking area, or turn left to skin up towards Baldy's Skirt.

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Powder Project Staff with improvements by Chris Stellato

Trail Ratings

  2.8 from 4 votes


in Indian Peaks


  2.8 from 4 votes
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star
Ski Line Rankings


in Indian Peaks


in Colorado


24 Views Last Month
2,498 Since Feb 12, 2016
Intermediate Intermediate



Top of Klondike facing north, towards the Arapahoe Peaks. Head this way, ride the saddle down keeping left if you want to ascend the opposite ridge on Bald Mtn, veering right to go back into the drainage (skin track back)
Feb 25, 2019 near Nederland, CO



Current Trail Conditions

All Clear 15 days ago
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Apr 19, 2024
Chris Furlong
Dec 15, 2022
Jake Albright
Feb 13, 2021
Chris Stellato
DEEP after recent snow. Turns barely needed, enough snow that it's difficult to get moving in some places.
Jan 18, 2021
Chris Stellato
Fun! Recent snow was helpful but earlier wind scoured more open spots. Likely to find a rock/stump if you're burying a rail when the trees open up.
Jan 10, 2021
Chris Stellato
Better skiing to the skiers left. Avoid skiing too far to the right where it flattens out quick. Trees are tight in many places.
Jan 6, 2021
Chris Stellato
Had trouble finding the start of the line due vauge start and dense trees up top. Skiied too far right, maybe better skiing if on the true line.
Apr 13, 2019
Jack Elston
Feb 25, 2019
andrew casali
Softer snow on the northern side, if you follow the saddle north and then back to the creek drainage. crusty on E SE areas of accent

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